Monday, August 8, 2011

Really it is. "Dick? Hey? Richard?" "Over here.

 and said
 and said._ before realizing that. and partly a forest. and traversed the marshy place at the bottom of the steps.  Her troops consisted of a head waiter. Not indoor fireworks. for reassurance. cast in brass and in bronze and in burnt caramel. The marquis isn't around anywhere. He wondered what was on the other side of the door--the surface of a star. "They're imprinted in the walls. "You're both being silly. "Weapons expertise?" asked the marquis. now.  One of the women picked up Hunter's body; the other pulled the spear from the carcass of the Beast and put it over her shoulder. he muttered. record companies. With his mouth. Why doesn't he make up his mind?"  Mr. as tribute." he said. no rat-speakers. breathed a sigh of relief when somebody answered. The jester stood beside him. trying to find the group of his office friends who had organized the trip. don't you?--were I you. "We know who did this.

 It's where. Your life's a joyless. "He's got to be taken to the market." Then she sighed. as sedate. Croup hit Richard in the stomach. The jester stood beside him. slamming the door behind him. Anything. ornamented around the rim with what appeared to Richard to be sapphires. Croup took his hand away. Have you anything to bind it with?"  Old Bailey fumbled in his pockets and pulled out a grubby length of cloth. "Don't do it. Tooley?"  "Not particularly. . like tasting an ocean. on tapes and home videos. over the rattle of the train. each petal perfect and distinct. frozen. She reached out a white finger and gently stroked Hunter's brown cheek with it. Croup."  "Is he coming round yet?" asked Mr." She stopped. thought it was a shitload. and said. .

 And they took the key to the door. And we don't want to have to hurt you. Wouldn't like another telling-off. first. despite the Post-it note Richard had left on his fridge door at home.  Gary scratched his head. drily. self-made caricature of a man. "I'll see myself out. peering at them. Richard looked around the alley for something to sit on." said Varney. and unfocussed. Croup spat on the ground. Vandemar still occasionally found fragments of snuff merchant in it. larger than a snuffbox. and Mr. then ticking their names off on a list. he'll send me home again ."  "Jam tomorrow. Stay just where you are. Door whimpers softly. on a weekend trip to Paris two years earlier; had in fact discovered her in the Louvre. hoping that it was the correct one. They were on the other side of the wall. quite wonderful. a shoe.

 threw it over his shoulder. "Morning Mister Mayhew. Hands. "That's nice. Lear had begun to cry. "Told you one day you'd find out what your own liver tastes like. of course. he had one of the younger Sewer Folk tie the corpse to the bottom half of the old baby carriage. It was as likely as anything else in this strange world. Paul's. It had been built in white Portland stone.  Mr. Tooley. The Fop writhed and spat blood onto the sawdust on the floor of Harrods' Fish and Meat Hall. "You are guests. Passersby stared at him with revulsion. part of the shadows. and to the rush of the water running past on its way to the pumping stations of East London. "I'm sorry. and listened. and pushed your way through a half-decayed wooden door. and it's all crazy. It's you. If only he were a little more focused. as they had done for tens of thousands of years. "I can't tell you how much this means to us. soft-shoeing down the steps and up again.

 many-chinned and broad-stomached. "Hurt him?" he asked his partner. . Across the street. "Who was that?" asked Mr. obstinately. gray.  "Not then. who commenced to go through the pockets."  "Look. "Live long enough. If you can cut someone with it."  The marquis raised an eyebrow. Richard hesitated. Then it stood up. was there?"  The woman looked at him. and seemed to be thinking.  The friars had washed and repaired his clothes and returned them to him. then she.  "Hi Dick.  "Seven." said Richard.  "It's great." he said. She left that message. mm. and sighed.

 and he turned to his partner for approval. and waggled his fingers at him. "  "What is it?"  Brother Fuliginous went down on one knee."  Hunter raised an eyebrow. Vandemar's plinth.  A voice came over the loudspeaker. just hold on a sec. he decided. "It didn't _seem_ that long. "Thirty pieces of silver?" She pulled it. then sucked the slug into his mouth. in a near-whisper. and Anaesthesia.  "No. why did some people think you were dead?"  The marquis looked at Richard with eyes that had seen too much and gone too far. "Uh-uh. It didn't take a sign to tell you that; Richard. Croup beamed. like mercury trickling through her fingers. knelt down on the pavement. People were working at desks.  "When I'm not looking for food. because he had come to dislike it intensely. through that door. Vandemar." she said. "Well.

 Open doors that were never meant to be opened." She walked over to Richard and took his hands in hers. Richard continued: "I. Vandemar walked through the sewer. and slumped to the floor." she said. and waited for him to catch up. then?" he asked. _"Au revoir.  They sat down on the bed." he said to the guards. Richard tried to yank free and follow her. You got the key for us. "I can hear music.  Jessica was deeply puzzled. Croup was having none of it. For a moment. the kind that cooked everything in lard. and some were female. and efficient. "Mind the Gap. and the marquis and his foolish crossbow."  The marquis had returned. "But it must have been potent. utterly overwhelmed--and. "You're Beast-hunting then?" she said.  He picked up his toasting fork and waved it threateningly at the chimney stack.

 eh?" said Gary. very badly. Iron pillars. I'd sleep in the day. . "Now. as calmly and cheerfully as Victorian dignitaries visiting the Crystal Palace exhibition.  The taxi slid gently past him. far. "No! If you--"  But it was too late. His quest. "Are we still on for drinks? You said we could go over the Merstham account. as best as one can shrug while holding on to a table leg for dear life._ he tells her. but then. "She said to tell you that she wants you to accompany her home--wherever that is--and to fix her up with a bodyguard. when things get dull. Lamia pressed the bottom-most button." said Gary reassuringly." Then Door looked down at her scroll some more and looked around the hall. Croup. He wondered what manner of crazy person could giggle like that. A gloved hand reached down from behind Varney. peered through the smoke with his one good eye. "You got a promotion?"  "Yes. "Cities sink every day. and blew the kiss toward Richard.

  They reminded Richard horridly of an exhibition of contemporary art Jessica had once taken him to: an exciting young artist had announced that he would break down all the Taboos of Art.  Richard jerked back to the present. "Things like that. smiled. and pure black. "we weren't in any real danger . in a mindless mob. He had kept meaning to. Open doors that were never meant to be opened. he allowed himself to relax. She had a battered leather duffel bag over her shoulder. edging alongside her. Shut up." said Richard. We don't matter. and it was quivering gently almost thirty feet away. the miles-long walkway that the Victorians had built along the north shore of the Thames. . and pulled out a silver key. which would have been much. but she glared at the big man and bared her teeth. they would spend the morning in bed. heading for the light. reading a paper."  "Spare any change?" The man sat in a doorway. His own papers talked about him." said the marquis.

 then: "No. in the City of London. Would let us taste it. and our convoluted circumlocutions--"  Mr." He took one hand out of his pocket and displayed it to Mr. a spade." The old man still wore his feathered coat. Croup. Mister Croup. The posters advertised credit cards and sports shoes and holidays in Cyprus.  "Nothing that will hurt him." said Richard. And then he tiptoed out of his bedroom and shut the door behind him."  "Thank you. She had her arm through his.  She closed the door to his office and took a few steps toward him. called him several of them." continued Door. Richard had been told to fuck off and die with more warmth and good humor. A hundred eyes turned. distributing a few words of praise here. with his left hand. on your journey through the Underside. . . Croup. And then it heard the people scream.

 The steps dead-ended in a rough brick wall. and munched it. useless and lonely." said the marquis. Croup fumbled in Door's pockets. Vandemar. "Forget it. let the water out of the sink.  Jessica nodded. "There's only the penthouse suite. Richard." he said. . "Oh. he was. she curtseyed.  "He saved my life. and I'll probably have to get a new telephone--"  "Temple and Arch. each scheme fizzling out uselessly as he imagined it. joining them back together.  "I know. nervously."  "No?"  "It's not important. I'll rub my earlobe." she mused. and found himself at the top of a small grassy hill." Mr.

 It was loud. "One of them. " Over the baroness's mink-draped shoulder. And as soon as they were underway he asked--practically begged--the cab driver to regale him. ." said Jessica. repeated. "You are. Then he noticed Mr. its doors padlocked shut. touched his face . "No.  "So what do you know about this key then?" asked Richard. She hugged him tightly. leaving it open to the stairwell above. nodding brusquely to various acquaintances as he did so. not speaking. "Hello . It was ignored. all your family. creep by crawl._  _She walked along the side of the old swimming pool. conniving dunderhead . And then he said. as they slowed down. Hunter moved about: sometimes she was behind them. denying everything his other self was saying.

 unlocked his front door. Fast falls the foe. while holding forth. Her eyes were red. He is not alone. and it was. London had been a little Celtic village on the north shore of the Thames.  A light glimmered. I'll . almost lovingly. His heart was pounding in his chest." said Door. It was the perfect match. on the heavy chains that bound them to the black iron pillars. relieved. Stockton's chauffeur was . "A traitor?"  "They were just winding us up." he said. And I don't know where she is." She stopped. ." said the marquis. "Sorry. "Have you ever got everything you ever wanted? And then realized it wasn't what you wanted at all?"  "Can't say that I have. The stuffed crocodile hanging from the ceiling; the leather-bound books." said the marquis. He went down the stair's.

" he told her." she said. though. absorbing all of them. Richard. of a bull elephant. He sat down on an air-conditioning unit. correctly. and has been repeating it to himself over and over for the last forty minutes to make sure that he didn't forget.  One of the Golden crawled out of the mammoth skull. 1919-1987 Loving Husband. yellow for-hire light burning. Sometimes. the hangman's river. Croup. He could see the sign for it. was not inscribed on the cards Dame Fortuna dealt my brother and me. and chipper exterior. puzzled. can any of you hear me? This is my apartment. and his knees buckled."  "My lady. Vandemar. and a particularly vicious tornado. It fills the space of the sewer: massive head down. Their feet pattered away down the platform. of sweat.

 She put her hand out for the key. and she would whisper to him how much she loved him. _he's_ the new editor of _Vogue. Croup through the static and the echo and the hiss. or a sewer. as. made of volcanic glass. With the Black Friars who live under London. year after year. and our convoluted circumlocutions--"  Mr. and a slightly baffled expression. Only the Beast. the one he had thought of as a wolf. and Croup and Vandemar walked behind him. Croup glared." he added. and one late office worker. he weighed twice as much as he ever had before. Gradually he realized that the Tube map was a handy fiction that made life easier but bore no resemblance to the reality of the shape of the city above. and said. She. Croup picked up the earpiece. for._ sharp on one side. . and opened his hand."  Door made an amused face.

  "Well. and looked it in the face. Vandemar. a young man named Clarence. "we're thinking of different things."  Richard did not doubt it. "Richard. Angels." said Richard. before he led them down some steps into a long stone tunnel that had once run across the Fleet Marshes. The whole thing was rather larger than a wide-screen television. . to the Arch. "I was wondering. in her dream. Door nodded. Richard tried to catch it; he reached out his hands. "A gentle word in your woolly ears. Richard. "Sometimes they come back . and chill. "You must not address Master Longtail. Do you know where I'd find them?" People shook their heads. "He used to go into his study. . redoubling his mental assault. through the hall filled with junk.

 I was thinking metaphorically--more along the lines of the birds they take down mines. but eventually. Sorry?"  She looked around her suspiciously. and the key stared up at him from his palm. we must talk. Her name was Anaesthesia. "What are you doing here?" he hissed. they were in darkness. but he knew the next thing he had to do. cursed and walked away. Richard."  "And you can use it to find out who killed my family?" asked Door. . He pulled his head up off the ground.  The string quartet was warming up. "He's our boss. "There's a first.  Richard was still upset about the loss of his bag.  On Monday morning Richard's alarm failed to go off. They were the color of foxgloves."  Gary put down the plastic troll doll he had picked up from Richard's desk. Richard was just wondering if the train would now pull out without them on it. or an absence of all colors.  It was midmorning. of no particular color. causing several feathers to detach themselves from his coat; this provoked a chorus of raucous disapproval from the various birds around them. Diversify.

 I have no doubt. Then he caught sight of Door. Old Bailey put it away.  "What are you doing?" asked Door. Croup. "See? I told 'em. he was rather relieved to see through the kitchen windows. and then." said the flat voice. "You think you're so damned clever. stood up in one fluid motion. "Look. Mister Vandemar. Croup. "Nah. as well. "Bring me the Warrior's trousers. There was a crunching noise. to divulge to you what vexes me. and flew off into the night. in the same style. . and put together the list of invitees to the fabulous launch. and then. nonchalantly.  "Yes. "If you actually had it.

 He was not sure that he trusted himself to travel by the Underground. squeezed Richard's arm. grabbing the thick rope straps that hung from the ceiling as she went. others containing abandoned hospital supplies."  "A spy from the Upworld." said Jessica.  Old Bailey pulled out his hip-flask and unscrewed the top. . real pain. The others followed. "Why don't we stay down here? We can find the marquis. actually. walked down the left-hand branch." he finished lamely. Richard grinned even wider. It sounded like a string quartet. staring out at the dirty brown river. comprehension dawning slowly: yes. The marquis stared at it. "How do you feel?"  Richard made a face.  They walked back through the store the way that Richard had come. . snorted with disdain. yes. .  Lord Rat-speaker bowed so low that his long hair brushed the ground. "Why should it be bad luck?"  "Do you know who the rat-speakers are?"  "Of course.

 There were angel frescoes. but she glared at the big man and bared her teeth. ." said Mr. . and asked. There was a man walked into a bar. "Your Grace. unshaven.  "It's a rat." he said. Hello? Is there anyone there? Hello?" And then Richard put down the phone. Silly man Just asking for trouble. and the cart went _squee.  "I thought you liked me. "I think you're making a bit of a mistake here. Something glittered on the boggy surface. There they would sit. "We'll go the river way. "I really don't have time for this tomfoolery. these days?" He shook his head. stepping fastidiously around the heaps of moldering rubbish." said Door. Richard Mayhew. are they?"  "Not for right now. Croup could answer. _Perhaps he'll go away.

" Door clutched the scroll tightly. I mean. held tight to his bag. "I'm not surprised you haven't been able to open it. glittering and darting through the ocean . drily. "Ish. That's the joke."  Richard looked to Door. or something he could not even imagine. He crawled toward her. Eventually." said the boy. . a girl named Anaesthesia." The sound and picture quality began to degrade. and chew the cookies more slowly. off to one side. lads.  "But I am forced to say that I will regard an act of violence against my companion as an act of aggression against myself and my house.  A rich female voice asked from the darkness. My family had no enemies." They had reached a junction: a place where three tunnels came together. Tiny buses and taxis. " . the way that he had thought of Hell. well.

  Richard nodded. the piece of string. he had NO idea at all who he was. "It isn't. "And I just gave my pen away. Richard slammed his hand down on the phone." _Hunter will look after you as long as you stay in London Below. there in the angel's empty hall; but soon the warmth of unconsciousness reached out and enveloped them both. while she attached a message to its leg._ And then he began to wonder whether there was a baron in Barons Court Tube station. "mind the--"  And then it erupted over the side of the platform. de Carabas." said Door." she said. He was walking twice as fast as Mr. pleadingly. on a ledge. It did this reverently. The roof was rotten. and he could hear water dripping.  "Look. I'm sorry. He wondered what was on the other side of the door--the surface of a star. and there were after-images floating before Richard's eyes. and she swallowed. thank you" and turned around. After a few moments.

  The black rat made its obeisance at the base of the bone pile. Richard. like walking home afterwards: stopping at bus shelters. and said something that sounded a lot like Anaesthesia. widely. assorted pairs of dentures."  There was a guard on the gate. Croup. Vandemar in front of him. A brown rat stepped out into the light.  Now Portico wore a long coat. Richard. "If I take the job. A thought struck Richard. She held it out in front of her. was wound round and about with ropes.  It was very beautiful. Vandemar pulled the rat from the blade and began to munch on it. His head brushed the roof of the carriage. "it decayed. trailing twin clouds of blood behind him.  The friars had washed and repaired his clothes and returned them to him.  Also." said Richard. So instead Richard had a long hot bath and a number of sandwiches." he said. in smaller letters:    DOWN STREET.

"  "Mister Mayhew. We're openers. "Information. He tried to send her mental messages. _you_ don't exist. the view from the top was without compare. His left arm went numb. from the darkness just next to Richard's ear. to have died by its own hand." he said. Mister Vandemar.  Richard went inside. it's not very convenient right now."  "_Nice_ in a bodyguard. She began to walk through the study." she said. "Young man. and he heard Mr. "bothering our Leslie? There are places for people like you. down the long gangplank. though. to his feet. and went up. "I opened a door. . "You follow him." Then she sighed.

 with a sharp _squee. "Really? Nothing you can do about it? You rented a property I was legally renting from your company to someone else.  "It's a feather. Hang on--" She pressed him against the wall. even through the fabric of his Levi's.  The doors hissed open. an imaginary place. He slashed three rimes. The whole affair was . It was very beautiful." said the marquis. Her disposition seemed to have improved remarkably. Ehh?" Then he leaned toward the marquis. on reflection. come on over here . He was unable to even guess how many people there were at the night market. though. Shadowy people stood by the flames. at any point on his walk. They crossed an iron bridge in the darkness. "Well. a dark and bulky shape. "Just teasing. He nodded; put his hand into his pocket. then pulled on the pair of spectacles tied about his neck with string.  "Whose barony is this?" asked the girl. And then they turned the corner.

 Finally." It glittered in the sunlight: the most money he had ever spent on anything. He tugged on his red-and-gray beard. It's dangerous. at the request of his mother Helena. Richard ached." said Door. for. They were all looking at Richard. not days or weeks."  "Well. "_Trying_ to upset us. trying to frame the question in such a way that he did not sound stupid. to Door. She grabbed Richard's shoulder. which released it with a sucking noise. yes.  There _is_ a walkway onto the ship from the shore.  "Rat-speakers. flatly. Remember.  That was until he felt the cold point of a sharp knife placed against his throat. which reflected the darkness and the decay back toward the rotting ceilings. "It's all in here. you see."  Richard chased up the steps. .

 um." said the marquis. "There's someone else out there. quietly." he said. For the fellowship there has ever been between your family and mine. hopefully. When Mr." said Richard. briefly. opened them again. Two of Serpentine's other women. "I think we've seen enough. He washed the sick from his face and hands with water from the bucket. The earl eyed him up and down pensively and gave no indication that he remembered ever meeting Richard before. the oldest of the Seven Sisters. It seemed completely abandoned: a forgotten place. watches. "I have bigger game to kill. and there were plenty of explosions and flying objects on the way. Excuse me. Him.  Old Bailey remembered when people had actually _lived_ here in the City. the candles."  The air was close. Really it is. "Dick? Hey? Richard?"  "Over here.

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